Friday, April 17, 2009

Commentary that is graded

Imagine one day you walked out of your house, ready to welcome a fantastic day ahead, only to be scared the wits out of you by seeing multiple copies of yourself all over the place, greeting each other with the same name. To scientists seeking new technology or power-hungry people seeking strength, cloning may be just seem perfect and be exactly the answer to their problems. It is true cloning may be beneficial to mankind, but cloning is never accepted, or the least so by me. This is because it may lead to disastrous results like the rise of body part merchants and women being subjected to severe dangers. However, cloning is a double edged sword, and definitely can do good to society when correctly applied. For example, it can treat a spectrum of diseases.

The acceptance of cloning can easily lead to ‘smart’ people making loads of money through it. Body part merchants would arise and earn money through an unethical and considered by me an evil way. They would make clones of either themselves or other people, and raise them simply for one purpose, to sell their body parts away to people in need of it. For example, a patient is suffering from kidney failure and is desperately in need of a kidney, but no one is willing to donate to him. Now, the body part merchant can sell him kidneys from his clones. This is definitely immoral. For example, Mark Schofield, who is in need of a kidney, did not receive any transplantation after waiting for four years. Hence, he traveled to Philippines, attempting to buy one for £400,000. Imagine if body part merchants were willing to sell one to him for a cheaper price, and many body part merchants were competing with each other for customers. This will spark a dirty market in the dealing of body parts. I, and surely everyone, oppose to this.

Also, if cloning is accepted, women will be in great danger. One most crucial ingredient for a successful clone is the egg cell from a woman’s’ ovaries. Thus, people who want to clone a massive number of people for various reasons will be in need of a constant supply of the egg cell. This leads to abduction of women, as people who want to practice cloning need their egg cell. Not only that, it may even result in modification of a women’s body parts against their will, or women being forced to take drugs or stimulators to enhance the speed they produce egg cells, as one per month is probably not enough for the criminal. All women produce around 200 egg cells through their lifetime. Thus, when they fail to produce any more egg cells, the criminal will dispose of them, and search for another victim. The introduction of cloning will put all females in danger, and this stirs up troubles and problems in society, which we definitely do not want.

However, cloning has its good side too. It may be the answer to many of the questions we could not solve. It can serve as a cure for a numerous number of diseases we could not cure before, such as cancer and spinal-cord injuries. This is called therapeutic cloning, whereby a patient’s somatic cells, or body cells, are combined with an egg cell that has its DNA removed. As a result the body cell’s DNA is reprogrammed back to an embryonic state, and cells identical to those of the patient, called stem cells, are produced. These unspecialized cells can develop into cells with specialized purposes as needed by the patient. Thus, cloning helps many patients to survive, rather than dying without any cure. This helps the society and brings the world’s technology to a higher level.

In conclusion, although cloning has its own benefits, it gives rise to many problems that are hard to solve, and the cons outweigh the pros. I will not like the day which cloning is accepted and welcomed into our society, and never will. When I see myself all over the place as I open my door, I hope I will be able to wake up soon and get over the nightmare that haunted me the previous night.

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